In 2016, the band formed by front man Karl Willetts (ex-BOLT THROWER), Frank Healy (bass, ex-BENEDICTION), guitarist Scott Fairfax (live BENEDICTION guitarist) and drummer Andrew Whale (ex-BOLT THROWER) informed the public about their existence. And since 2016 the machines have never stopped ticking over. MEMORIAM write new songs, record them, hit the stage and then start the process all over again. They are tireless and ever advancing.
"Requiem For Mankind" is unmistakably in the short, but impressive tradition of the previous MEMORIAM works. There is no doubt that this is one of the strongest albums of 2019. Once again, the groove is monstrous, the riffs are merciless, and the atmosphere is oppressive, paralyzing, even overwhelming. Willett's aggressive vocals are rousing and relentless. The band states that they’ve been working towards this masterpiece from the very beginning; their previous outings testing the waters, so to speak. And they’re right. "Requiem For Mankind" is a demonstration of power that impressively unites all the elements of its predecessors and draws a frightening picture of war, death and destruction. At the end, nothing remains but ashes and the recognition that something masterful has taken place. The terrific songwriting and the first-class recordings have been immortalised through the awesome production work of Russ Russell (NAPALM DEATH, DIMMU BORGIR, AT THE GATES, AMORPHIS, etc.) at Parlor Studios, giving the record raw production values, whilst providing the perfect scenario to showcase the musicianship so beautifully displayed on the album.