Consisting of Patrick Kindlon (vocals, End Of A Year, Self Defense Family), Chris Villeneuve (drums), Nick Cogan (guitar), Cory Galusha (guitar) and Pat Wynne (bass), Drug Church is the sound garbage makes when thrown off a roof into the dumpster your dickhead boss rented for your underpaying contractor gig. Borrowing heavily from bands like Seaweed and Quicksand, Drug Church released their debut self-titled EP as the perfect record to listen to as you skate home from your night shift cleaning up puke in the bathroom of a Steak & Shake. 2013 rolled around, the guys took a break from delivering pizzas and entered the studio to record their first full-length, "Paul Walker"; surely named for their secret obsession with "Varsity Blues" and "Eight Below." Vinyl version includes digital download.