Another reissue of a cold war era hc/punk classic and the arrow aims again at Scandinavia, this time to the neighbouring country – Sweden. Early 80’s saw several bands emerging from here that were more or less drawing on DISCHARGE, but mostly went even more hardcore. We’re talking about ANTI CIMEX among the first, then also about AVSKUM, MOB 47, MODERAT LIKVIDATION, DISARM and – of course – about CRUDE SOCIETY SYSTEM. Apart from a demo and numerous compilation tracks CRUDE SS officially released just one 7” EP. This appeared in 1983 on Uproar Records and has become an undisputed classic of Swedish hardcore. It carries six blasting tracks of unique, aggressive and furious hardcore punk thrash with clear roots in DISCHARGE, GBH and UK punk in genreral, but also with obvious influence of Californian CRUCIFIX etc. Raw sound, elaborated yet still straight-forward riffs completed with angry English lyrics against arms race, capitalism, animal abuse or destruction of nature. If you’re wondering where did such bands like MASSKONTROLL or FRAMTID get inspiration from, you should listen to this EP. Coming out after 28 years as a band-authorised official reissue, its whole layout sticks as close as possible to the original issue, including such details as runout groove engravings or typing errors on labels.