"Beyond Barricades: The Story of Anti-Flag" is a feature length documentary film that tells the story of political punk band Anti-Flag by diving into the world of punk rock and activism, shedding light on the trials and tribulations of playing politically charged music for over 25 years. An inspiring look at a group of musicians dedicating their lives to fighting for human rights through their songs and outreach. With their endless drive to help others, they put empathy over apathy and fight cynicism with optimism, but find that things could go tragically wrong at any moment.
Features interviews with the band and contemporaries such as Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Billy Bragg, Tim McIlrath (Rise Against), Brian Baker (Bad Religion), Chris Cresswell (The Flatliners, Hot Water Music), Tom May and Greg Barnett (The Menzingers) and many more help tell the story of a band whose drive to spread their message is truly unstoppable.