Originally released in 1989 with a scant 79 photos and under 100 pages; this expanded edition brings over 200 photographs as well as reflections from key characters documenting a special time period in one of the most notorious hardcore music scene in the country. "Making A Scene: New York Hardcore In Photos, Lyrics& Commentary REVISITED 1985-1988" captures the energy of the New York hardcore music scene in photographs, lyrics and comments from those involved in their music, their attitudes, and their lifestyle. Hardcore is a way of life for thousands of band members and fans all over the world. Here, New York City's hardcore movement is represented in all of its outspoken, opinionated, and often contradictory variety. Participants are shown with friends, spouses, even children, performing, dancing and hanging out. They also explain in their own words and lyrics to songs what they think hardcore is all about. From moments of quiet intimacy to the controlled mayhem of live shows, "Making A Scene..." documents, in a unique way, this flourishing and often misunderstood underground style.