"When we started a band many years ago as young whipper snappers in Reddy Bay all we wanted to do was play gigs, sink tins and chat to all the legends we’d meet along the way. Things that have come our way of late like national tours, supporting successful bands, jagging sick festival slots and getting radio play are all great and integral parts of the journey, but stitching up a debut album is the biggest dream of them all for us fellas! We have dreamt of releasing an album since long before all this ever started. Now we have our very own album firmly in our grip, and to say we’re excited is a major understatement. We decided to go with a self-titled album for our debut because we believe this album IS Beddy Rays through-and-through. It’s honest, raw and nothing other than what we’re all about… mateship, Reddy Bay, good times and beers, but also the importance of looking after yourself and checking in with ya mates. It's made up of our recent singles and a bunch of brand newies we’ve been cooking up for you legends. A nice mixed bag of lollies! We hope you love it as much as we do!"